Friday, January 29, 2016

New Leader Conference January 2016

What a way to start 2016! 

Beachbody has an annual event called the New Leader Conference every year in January. It is a conference for coaches who have achieved the rank of 2 Star and above the previous year and who have never been to the New Leader Conference before. In 2014 I just fell short of hitting 2 Star Diamond and I was bummed I didn't get to attend this conference. BUT I didn't let that stop me. I dug deep and said that I WOULD be at the next NLC! And it worked!!

I was SO excited when I got this invitation to my email! Our team worked SO hard to finish 2015 as a 5 Star ELITE team. I can't wait for members on our team to be able to attend this conference next year!! I was also super excited because this conference was held in Los Angeles, CA which I had never been before!!
I was a little nervous that I wouldn't be able to attend because the conference started on a Thursday and with pharmacy school I knew it would be tricky to get 2 days off of rotations to go. But luckily I worked things out with my preceptor and he allowed me to go! 

I had a little hiccup with my flight to LA. I was supposed to leave Wednesday night but my flight was delayed which would cause me to miss my connection and there was no flights until the next day. So I had to head home and wait to fly out in the morning. Which was a bummer because I got to LA around noon and missed my tour of the Beachbody headquarters!! Anywho, I made it to LA. The conference was at the gorgeous hotel the Hyatt Century Plaza! And big shout out to Beachbody for picking up the tabs for my hotel room!! 

Beachbody always knows how to spoil us! At registration everyone got a 22 Minute Hard Corps tee shirt! [The newest Beachbody workout program that will officially launch March 1st 2016!] Which was extra special to me because I'm actually in the Official 22 Minute Hard Corps TEST GROUP right now!!! First up on the agenda was the opening session! 

Again, Beachbody spoiled us with some new swag. We got a backpack, a scarf, a toque, beachbody blanket and a sample of the new Hydrate packets!

The opening session was great!! Soaked up so much knowledge to help me become a successful leader! And then we were off to the Welcome Reception! They had tons of delicious and healthy food and an open bar (which I could not enjoy because I am in the 22 Minute Hard Corps Test Group) lol bad timing. BUT I did get to hang out with Tony at the party and got some extra attention since I am a participant in the 22 Minute Hard Corps Test Group!

Safe to say we had a great night!

The next morning we were up bright and early ready to workout LIVE with TONY HORTON! The creator of P90X, P90X2, P90X3 and his newest program 22 MINUTE HARD CORPS! Safe to say Tony kicked out butt with his new program 22 Minute Hard Corps!

Check out this little sneak peak of what to expect in this new workout!

And since I am in the 22 Minute Hard Corps Test Group I even got interviewed after getting my butt kicked by Tony!

After our workout we had a delicious breakfast Shakeology included! We then headed to our first session for the day. We listened to multiple speaker and I was FIRED UP! I'm so glad I got the chance to attend this conference!!

I got to spend time with some coaches I had never even met before this conference and we had a blast! It's crazy how you can meet people and just GET EACH OTHER! I love being surrounded by like-minded girl bosses!

We had another afternoon session where we got to hear a coach speak about leaving her full time job as a Pharmacist to pursue coaching! Which spoke volumes to me!! Yes we both love pharmacy but I could totally relate that 9-5 is not fun especially when you have a family. I want to have freedom to be able to work when I want, where I want and with who! 

And finally we wrapped up the conference with a tasty mexican themed supper and had lots of laughs and fun at the team building closing activity! 

And my night was made when I headed back up to my hotel room where my fiance was with a beautiful surprise! So thankful he supports me 110% with my biz!

Such an amazing conference!!! I cannot wait for the leaders on our team to go in 2017!!

Do you want to be a part of this positivity and this team!? I am always looking for new coaches to mentor and share this incredible opportunity with! It has completing changed my life so of course I am going to share it!
Just apply below and I will get into contact with you - and we can chat more!
Apply to Join Team Just Keep Pushing!